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Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.


Being a victim of crime can lead to housing issues if you are renting or paying a mortgage on your home. Knowing what your rights and responsibilities are can make the situation less stressful. This section provides information about common housing issues faced by victims of crime.

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Everyone deserves to feel safe and secure in their home.

Unfortunately, victims of crime often face housing issues.

Safety at home

Sometimes, a victim needs to make their home more secure by changing their locks or improving security. If you are a victim of crime who is facing safety issues at home, the information in this section will help you understand your options.

Early Lease Termination

Sometimes, a victim needs to leave their home to find safety elsewhere. You can end your rental agreement early if you are a victim of domestic violence.


Sometimes, a victim faces the loss of their home through eviction. An eviction is a court judgment giving a landlord permission to have a tenant removed from their home because the tenant has broken their rental agreement.


Sometimes, a victim faces the loss of their home through foreclosure. A foreclosure is when a lender (such as a bank) takes a home back from a borrower who cannot repay their loan.

Housing Resources and Help