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Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Family Law

Crimes can be stressful and hard on families. You can find information here about steps you can take to address common family law issues as well as information about services that can help you.

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Guardianship of a child is a legal relationship created by a court, where a non-parent (a guardian) is given the legal right and duty to care for a child (the ward).

For instance, many grandparents obtain guardianships of their grandchildren to enroll them in school and obtain medical care, when the children’s parents are not capable of caring for them.
Cases for guardianships of children are handled in the juvenile court, which is part of a county’s superior court. For more information about guardianship visit, AZCourtHelp.

What is temporary guardianship?

Temporary guardianship is a specific type of guardianship that may be granted quickly, usually in an emergency. Getting a standard order for guardianship may take longer and might require that certain people be given notice, while temporary guardianship is granted quicker when a motion is filed for an "accelerated hearing". Temporary guardianship lasts less than 6 months, while standard guardianship lasts longer.
An emergency that might be a good reason to request temporary guardianship is anything that might put a child at immediate risk of harm or injury.
Your superior court can provide the forms needed to apply for emergency guardianship. To find your superior court visit, AZCourtHelp.

Family Resources and Help