It can be difficult to know how to address the effects of crime, particularly special legal needs that may arise. Browse the topics below to learn more about how to address certain situations, access resources, and find help.

Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is any sexual activity that occurs without consent. Sexual violence can include a wide variety of acts.
Domestic or Dating Violence
Domestic violence affects many people around the world. People of any race, ethnicity, age, religion, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation can become victims of domestic violence.

Elder or Vulnerable Population Abuse
A vulnerable adult is someone 18 or older that cannot protect themselves from harm because of a physical or mental impairment. Unfortunately, this vulnerability can lead to abuse or exploitation, sometimes by people close to them.
Child Abuse
Whether you are a child experiencing abuse, suspect a child you know is being abused, or are the parent of a child that is being abused, there are steps you can take to report and stop the abuse.

Human Trafficking
Human trafficking occurs around the world, including in the United States. Knowing the signs of human trafficking can be the first step to getting help.
Stalking is when a person repeatedly watches, follows, or harasses someone, making them feel afraid or unsafe. A person can be stalked by someone they know, such as a family member, an ex-partner, or an acquaintance, or by a stranger.

Bullying is a pattern of unwanted, aggressive behavior by someone who has, or is thought to have, power over another person. Some bullying behavior may be a crime.
Torts and Civil Actions
To address losses not covered by compensation and restitution, a crime victim may want to file a private civil lawsuit.

Revenge Porn
Dealing with the effects of having a private image or recording shared without your permission can be very difficult. If you are a victim of this type of crime, there are resources available and steps you can take to protect yourself.