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Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

Staying Safe

As a crime victim, you may not feel safe. This section includes information about protecting your safety and getting the help you need.

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Protective Orders

Everyone deserves to feel safe. In Arizona, a person experiencing domestic violence, sexual violence, or other harassment may be able to apply for a protective order. A protective order is a document obtained from a court to order the defendant not to contact the victim. A protective order is sometimes referred to as a “restraining order” in other jurisdictions.
An Order of Protection is a legal document meant to prevent a person from committing acts of domestic violence. When a victim gets an Order of Protection from the court, it says that the defendant must stay away from the victim. The defendant cannot contact the victim or other people named in the order (such as the victim’s children). An Order of Protection can also require the defendant to remove their firearms from the home and give exclusive use of the home to the plaintiff.

To qualify for an Order of Protection, the plaintiff and the defendant must meet the relationship test.

The Arizona law about Orders of Protection can be found in Title 13.
An Emergency Order of Protection (Emergency OOP) is an order of protection that is issued when the court is closed. An emergency order is provided for the protection of a person in “imminent and present danger” of domestic violence and can be authorized by a judicial officer in writing, verbally, or by telephone. Unless the court decides to “continue” the Order (keep it in effect), an Emergency OOP is valid for 7 days.

The Arizona law about Emergency Orders of Protection can be found Title 13. NOTE: The application process for an Emergency Order of Protection is different from other protective orders. See below for more information.
An Injunction Against Harassment (IAH) is a legal document that orders a person to stop harassing, annoying, or alarming another person. Harassment is defined as "a series of acts over any period of time that is directed at a specific person..." or "one or more acts of sexual violence." More than one act of harassment must have occurred to qualify for an IAH.

For an IAH, the plaintiff may have to hire a process server to deliver the petition and the order to the defendant. For IAH’s regarding sexual violence, the petition can be served at no cost.

The Arizona law about Injunctions Against Harassment can be found Title 12.
An Injunction Against Workplace Harassment (IAWH) allows an employer to file on behalf of all employees at the workplace, any person who enters the employer's property, and any person who is performing official work duties. This means many people can be protected by the order.

For an IAWH, harassment is defined as "a single threat or act of physical harm or damage or a series of acts over a period of time that would cause a reasonable person to be seriously alarmed or annoyed."

The Arizona law about Injunctions Against Workplace Harassment can be found Title 12.

How do I get a protective order?

The first step is to apply for a protective order. The application for a protective order (OOP, IAH, or IAWH) is always done online, through AZPoint (Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool). Even if you were to go to the courthouse to file in person, you would use AZPoint. However, there may be court appointed staff at the courthouse that can help you with AZPoint and answer any questions you have.

An Emergency Order of Protection is not applied for online – see below for more information.
An email address is needed to create an account on AZPoint. For information about creating an email address, visit AZPOINT. For information about how to keep email safe and private, visit Safety Net Project.

How do I apply for a protective order on AZPoint?

Go to the AZPoint portal and create an account. It may be helpful to review the information provided in the portal about protective orders before creating an account. NOTE: An email address is needed to create an AZPoint account.
Input the requested information into the portal.
Submit the required information in the portal. A petition confirmation number will be provided. This will complete the online AZPoint process. Scheduling the hearing will require visiting the court in person.
Take the petition confirmation number to the court, where the court hearing can be scheduled.
More information can be found on AZPOINT.

How do I apply for an emergency order of protection?

An Emergency Order of Protection is only given when the court is closed. The process is handled by law enforcement. Anyone who is in immediate danger should call 911. If the situation is urgent but not an emergency, you may call the local law enforcement agency’s non-emergency line. A law enforcement officer will be dispatched to review the situation. If appropriate, they will contact the judicial officer on call to request an Emergency Order of Protection.

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